Level Q – Unique office fit out at Sheraton House
A unique office fit out at Level Q, Sheraton House for Silverstone Building Consultancy. The project has been critically acclaimed for its ground-breaking style and high-level workmanship in the Teesside area.
Alterations and refurbishment of existing office block, creating individual office units and communal areas within existing building works also included the creation of a gym and cinema room.
It has received a number of positive press articles, demonstrating everything 186 Property Solutions is built on; communication, industry knowledge, pride of work and on time, hassle free delivery.
2019 – Level Q was “Highly Commended” by the RICS North East Commercial category.
Project status – Complete, and significantly under budget (+£20k).
Summary of works
Andy Preston, Developer, Mayor of Middlesbrough
Andy Preston, who is developing Level Q with business partner Gareth Cherry, said: “I’ve worked on lots of projects and used contractors from all over the place – and I can honestly say that the work done here by my fellow Teessiders has blown me away.”
Andy was keen to give particular credit to Level Q’s main construction company, Stockton-based 186 Property Solutions, describing them as “perfect”.
“186 are the best of the best,” he said. “They have a proper Teesside attitude that’s full of hard work, pride and no nonsense.”

Jonathan Carter, 186 Property Solutions
Jonathan Carter, operations manager for 186 Property Solutions, admitted that the office project had been one of the company’s favourite jobs.
He said: “This project was different, with its own challenges due to the ultra-high quality of the fit-out. But we’ve loved it – and, as a Stockton company staffed with Teesside lads, we’re very proud to be playing a part.”

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