Teesside Airport – Central Search
We have carried out a number of works in relation to Teesside Airports £200m logistics and manufacturing project.
This includes the Central Search area, working alongside site security border force officers during the works to ensure the security of the area.
Works included the strip out of existing partitions, suspended ceiling and glazed partitions. Installation of new fire rated security partition walls and fire doors and suspended ceilings. Renewal of the existing floor coverings, creation of a private security search area and full decoration of all areas
The works were carried out on time and on budget to the full satisfaction of the client with zero snagging.
Summary of works

Ben Houchen, Mayor of Tees Valley
‘186 Property Solutions have done an incredible job!
You have smashed it out the park!!”
Chris Lakey, 186 Property Solutions
Central Search was one of a few projects we are undertaking at the airport and we ensured high quality workmanship for the people of Teesside and visitors to the region.”