Teesside Airport – The Landside
New café and bar area as part of a high-profile overhaul of Teesside Airport.
We tendered the project through the TIA portal against several other contractors. The works were awarded mid-April with a mid-May completion.
The works included full strip out of the existing partitions and removal of the existing suspended ceiling. Installation of fire doors, fire walls, new ceilings and timber wall features. The manufacture and installation of a new bar servery counter including Corian work surfaces, tulip wood ceiling features. We supplied and installed new bespoke flooring, a new kitchen area, all furniture and carried out full decoration of the cafe area.
All the works were delivered on time and on budget.
Summary of works
Ben Houchen, Mayor of Tees Valley
“186 Property Solutions have done an incredible job!
You’ve smashed it out the park!!”

Chris Lakey, 186 Property Solutions
“As a Teesside based company we are delighted to be supporting the redevelopment and refurbishment of Teesside International Airport.
The Landside Cafe saw a full 186 team on site ensuring delivery of a high-quality project, within budget and time frame.
After years of using the airport as a passenger it’s great to see the investment taking place buts even better to be able to play a role in its development.”